Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi staying at A 15, Paryavaran Complex,
New Delhi 110030 (INDIA), Mobile : +91-9818097247 has designed a Masterplan Paradigm for the overall development of Housing in the
following manner :
4.1 Principles
Our transport policy is based on:
a) enabling people to obtain access to a wide range of
destinations, goods and services in a safe, timely and
energy-efficient manner which has low environmental impact;
b) the recognition that urban form and design are crucial
aspects of transforming transport policy;
c) using integrated transport and urban planning, and
incorporating environmental and social costs, so that
energy-efficient modes of transport (walking, cycling, public
transport, rail, coastal shipping) and non-transport solutions
are able to compete for funding with the provision of facilities
for cars and trucks;
d) empowering local communities so that they can make informed
e) getting the most out of existing facilities by managing
demand, rather than continually building facilities to meet
projected demands; and
f) favouring walking, cycling and public transport as the
preferred modes of “passenger” transport.
4.2 Goals
We aim to:
a) dramatically reduce per capita and overall use of fossil
fuels for transport, making the system sustainable into the
b) reduce car ownership and use for urban commuting while
improving the quality of service provided by public transport,
especially in relation to frequency, speed and convenience;
c) increase recognition that access to an adequate level of
public transport services is a community right and that these
services should remain under public control and not be subjected
to full cost recovery;
d) make users of private transport aware of, and ultimately pay
for, the full costs of their transport choices;
e) increase opportunities for the community to participate in
integrated transport and urban planning;
f) shift urban form towards the development of urban villages,
to bring people and jobs together in areas well-serviced by
public transport;
g) reduce the direct impacts of transport infrastructure (e.g.
noise, air pollution) on urban neighbourhoods and provide fair
compensation for those affected by new transport infrastructure;
h) improve the safety of roads, especially for pedestrians and
cyclists, and of airways and sea-lanes;
i) provide improved access to transport services for residents
of rural India;
j) improve services for those with special needs, including
people with disabilities, youth and older people; and
k) encourage the cycling and walking amenity of the streets by
supporting, for example, lower urban speed limits on residential
4.3 Short Term Targets
4.3.1 Overall
We will work to:
a) ensure the adoption of national standards for ambient air
quality equal to or better than world best practices;
b) ensure the adoption of national noise and emissions standards
for petrol and diesel vehicles equal to or better than world
best practices; these standards will include requirements for
testing; and
c) develop targets for self-containment levels in urban
planning; that is, measures of the degree to which jobs,
retailing and local services are located with residential
4.3.2 Land Transport
We will work to:
a) in each major city, double the market share (in passenger
kilometres) held by public transport compared with private cars
by 2010;
c) ensure the adoption of targets for the average fuel
efficiency of new additions to the national car fleet of 5.0
litres per 100 km by 2005, reducing to 4.0 litres per 100 km by
d) ensure the adoption of mandatory fuel-efficiency labelling of
new cars;
e) make all central funding or approvals for transport projects
contingent on the achievement of specified environmental and
social criteria; these criteria will include air quality
standards (including greenhouse emissions), environmental
protection benchmarks and public participation;
f) ensure that in planning any new road construction, thorough
consideration is given to the need for the road, viable public
transport alternatives, destructive impact on local communities
and the external costs to the environment.
4.3.3 Ports and Shipping
We will work to:
a) cap the number of port sites at the present number;
b) amend rules to expose oil tankers to strict and unlimited
liability when travelling within Indian waters, bringing India
into line with the world best practices; and
c) institute strict and mandatory controls on ballast water
discharges and on other practices that put the Indian marine
environment at risk.
4.3.4 Air Transport
Recognising that air transport causes considerable environmental
damage and is also less fuel efficient by a large factor than
ground transport, particularly in comparison to transport by
rail or by sea, we consider it important that the environmental
costs of air transport are taken into account openly and
incorporated into the cost of air travel.
We believe there are many unexplored possibilities for
decreasing the dependence on air travel. One of these is the
expansion of teleconferencing. In general, we will support
measures such as tax incentives which will encourage people to
fly less.
We recognise that bad planning in a number of cases has caused
housing areas near airports to have an unacceptable noise level
and support moves to remedy such mistakes, for example through
modifying flying patterns and airport operations and
compensating residents in the most affected areas.