About Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi


Internet News Service for India's Social Transformation

Who is Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi

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Constitutional Reforms


Constitutional Reforms Proposals should be proposed to the Central Government

1.1 Principles

We believe that:


  1. Parliament is the central authority of representative and responsible government;

  2. each person should have one vote, that all votes should be of equal value, and that proportional representation best reflects the wishes of the electorate in the composition of Parliament and State Assemblies;

  3. each citizen has both the right and the responsibility to participate in the processes of government;

  4. India’s constitution and democratic structures should help to build an ecologically sustainable and socially just society, with a global consciousness and a long term perspective;

  5. India’s constitution should express our aspirations as a community and define our rights and responsibilities as individuals and as members of the community, as well as establish the powers and duties of government; and

  6. India’s constitution and public institutions need some changed, which should be brought about through an ongoing participatory process.

1.2 Goals

We propose that the following areas be enshrined in the constitution more clearly :

a) Civil and Political Issues

• life, liberty and security;
• legal recognition and equality;
• voting and standing for election;
• privacy;
• police custody;
• that relating to an alleged offender;
• standard of criminal procedure;
• that relating to the victim;
• property;
• procedural fairness;
• that particular to a child;
• freedom;
• of religion;
• of thought, conscience and belief;
• of speech and other expression;
• of association;
• to peaceful assembly;
• of movement and residence;
• from discrimination;
• from slavery; and
• from torture, experimentation and treatment;

b) Economic and Social Issues

• education;
• adequate standard of living;
• work;
• legal assistance;
• freedom of family structure; and
• adequate child care.

c) Community and Cultural Issues

• living in a safe society;
• collective and individual development;
• culture;
• environmental protection and conservation; and
• ecologically sustainable

1.3 Short Term Goals

We will:

  1. propose the development of an international Framework Convention on Sustainable Development which is made more precise by the addition of protocols, for example dealing with environmental health and environmental due process;

  2. oppose attempts to undermine the domestic implementation of India’s international obligations arising from the ratification of treaties, whilst working towards a process for domestic ratification of international treaties;

  3. support the right of people from the age of 16 years to vote and to hold public office, in recognition of the increasing awareness of and responsibility towards current issues of young people;

  4. introduce rules such that people who are found to have acted in a corrupt way be barred from ever holding public office again and as well, that they forfeit any superannuation payments they may have made while holding that office and that they lose the right to any termination payments for which they would otherwise have been eligible; and

  5. work for appropriate and adequate consultation to better gauge opinions on issues of concern.



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